The Centre for Doctoral Training in Sustainable Infrastructure Systems at the University of Southampton held it’s fifth annual conference on the 20th November 2019. The conference is an integral part of the CDT’s annual programme of events and was organised and facilitated by current first year students. The conference took place from 9am to 4pm in the Hartley Suite at the University of Southampton.
The conference held in November 2016 focused on “Sustainability in Action” and was a great success attracting students and academics from other CDT’s. It was also well attended by our partners in industry including QinetiQ, TRL, SSE, Southern Water and the Environment Agency.
The conference in November 2017 was entitled “Infrastructure and the Environment” and looked at the issues faced in the sustainable infrastructure and the environment. It was well attended by our industrial partners, Southern Water, Network Rail, and Fibreright.
The conference held in November 2018 was titled “Creating a Sustainable World” The conference was a great success and very well attended by students and Staff from across the University of Southampton. Industry delegates also attended the conference and present at the conference were representatives from the UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR), SolarGIS and Purple Lilly Design. Alumni’s from other Higher Education Institutions also attended the event.
To follow on from previous successful conferences this year the CDT Conference was entitled “Creating a Sustainable Future” and presentations looked at developing a more sustainable future in Transport, Infrastructure, Cities, Energy, Water and the Environment.
Students were able to sign up to present at the event as either an oral or poster presentation a variety of student’s projects were presented at the event showcasing the breadth of study areas this CDT covers.
Around 50 postgraduate students, academics, industry partners and university staff attended this event. They enjoyed networking with each other as well as learning about the exciting projects taking place in the CDT.
A keynote presentation “Investing in sustainable technologies” was given by Richard Burrett.
Richard Burrett is Chief Sustainability Officer at Earth Capital, a sustainability focused investment group, and is a member of the Investment Committee and a Senior Adviser to the Earth Security Group (helping companies and governments to align their growth strategies with a global framework of sustainable development).
Schedule from the conference is below: