On Thursday 30th September 2021, Dr Daniella Montali-Ashworth gave a presentation to CDT SIS and CDT SICities students online. Daniella was in the first cohort of PGRs for CDT SIS and she graduated in 2019. She now works as an Ecohydraulic Engineer for Five Rivers – website Five Rivers is a specialist in the consultation, …
Tag Archive: Daniella Montali-Ashworth
Jul 05
Understanding fish-hydrodynamic interactions within Cylindrical Bristle Cluster arrays to improve passage over sloped weirs
Understanding fish-hydrodynamic interactions within Cylindrical Bristle Cluster arrays to improve passage over sloped weirs Daniella Montali-Ashworth Andrew S. Vowles Gustavo A. M. de Almeida Paul S. Kemp The International Centre for Ecohydraulics Research, School of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Southampton Boldrewood Innovation Campus University of Southampton, Southampton, Received 03 Dec 2020, Accepted …
Mar 09
Daniella Montali-Ashworth commenced her CDT-SIS studentship project by adapting a theoretical concept related to fluid dynamics interactions with aquatic plants to better understand fluid mechanics associated with a cylindrical cluster of bristles. From the desk, she moved into the laboratory to test her assumptions, before moving into a highly interdisciplinary realm to explore how …
Feb 25
Developing a low-cost fish passage solution for gauging weirs
PhD Thesis Montali-Ashworth, D. (Creator), Vowles, A. (Supervisor), Kemp, P. (Supervisor), De Almeida, G. (Supervisor) Publisher: University of Southampton Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Water and Environmental Engineering Group PhD Awarded: 25 June 2020 Abstract Fluvial habitat connectivity is essential for the transfer of energy, materials and organisms along rivers. In-river barriers (such as dams and weirs) disrupt the river continuum, causing …
Jan 15
Use of Cylindrical Bristle Clusters as a novel multispecies fish pass to facilitate upstream movement at gauging weirs
Research Article University of Southampton have developed a new Cylindrical Bristle Cluster (CBC) fish pass that is installed on gauging weirs to enhance passability for fish by reducing drag without impacting weir function. Funded by the UK Environment Agency (EA). Daniella Montali-AshworthaAndrew S.VowlesaGustavode AlmeidabPaul S.Kemp First published in Ecological Engineering Volume 143, 15 January 2020, 105634 …
Aug 22
Improving Fish passage on the Adur
Improving fish passage on the Adur by Rachel Paget Ouse and Adur River Trust Newsletter. Summer 2018. https://oart.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/OART-11-Summer-2018-E-Newsletter-1.pdf OART have installed a new fish pass at Haterell’s Bridge, removing a significant barrier to fish passage on the Western arm of the River Adur and facilitating increased, multi-species, fish movement through an additional 2.2km of river.
Apr 22
World Fish Migration Day at National Trust Mottisfont House and gardens
Fisheries scientists from the University of Southampton ran a day long interactive stall to promote World Fish Migration Day and the launch of the AMBER Citizen Science portal at the Mottisfont House and Gardens National Trust site, UK on the 21st April 2018.
May 30
Environmental Rock
Environmental Rock is Southampton’s annual family- friendly Eco Festival hosted at The Hobbit pub and in 2016 the CDT students were there presenting work on various issues of sustainability. The festival is dedicated to promoting environmental awareness and sustainability which fits with the themes of the CDT. Our students engaged members of the public with …