The CDT participates in a wide research community, both within the University and with its International partners. Regularly staff and students attend conferences, courses and events to showcase their research as well as to highlight the outputs of the CDT.
Researchers from the University of Southampton and Federal University of São João del-Rei setting up experimental trials to assess the response of Brazilian fish species to sound.
Researchers from the University of Southampton and the Federal University of São João del-Rei with a hypobaric pressure chamber designed to replicate the effects of decompression experienced by fish as they pass through hydropower turbines.
Evidence to Policy -Government white paper on Sustainable Fisheries for Future Generations: an opportunity for a science based approach to enhancing food security for the nation
Take a look at CDT Director Professor Paul Kemp’s blog on the Government white paper on Sustainable Fisheries for Future Generations. –
Daniella Montali-Ashworth World Fish Migration Day spotlight from Widdops
One of our CDT-SIS postgraduate researchers was featured on Widdops website. Widdops are one of the UK’s leading brush manufacturers and have worked with Daniella to develop the bristles and brushes for her fish pass which has been designed as a revolutionary cost-effective fish pass for use in rivers to aid migratory fish over barriers.
Check out the fantastic article which was published to coincide with World Fish Migration Day here:
CDT Directors visit to Cape Town, South Africa, March 2018
Prof Andy Cruden, director of the CDT in Energy Storage and its applications which is a split site CDT between the University of Sheffield and the University of Southampton and Prof Paul Kemp, director of CDT SIS visited the University of Cape Town in March 2018 to promote their respective CDT’s.They also discussed energy storage and Energy water Nexus, and the issues Cape Town is facing while in a 1 in 500 year drought.
Industry Steering Committee Day February 2018
The CDT held an Industry Steering Committee day on the 8th February 2018. The day was held at the University of Southampton’s state of the art Boldrewood Campus and featured Industry delegates from many of our Industrial sponsors. Companies that were represented included, Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB), Environment Agency, Southern Water, HS2, Network Rail, RWE NPower, Transport For London (TFL), WJ Groundwater, Arup, Steer Davies Gleave (SDG).
We also had visiting us our representative from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
The day featured presentations from current CDT-SIS students who were showcasing their current research to the Industry delegates present. This was followed by poster presentations which gave the Industry members present a chance to engage with the students on their research. We then had lunch which allowed for networking between academic colleagues, students and Industry delegates. The Formal Steering Committee Board meeting followed in the afternoon.
Sea Lamprey Control
Professor Paul Kemp attended a workshop on sea lamprey control ran by the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission, USA. Non-native invasive sea lamprey cause substantial economic impacts on the Great Lakes.
Reintroduction of the European or Eurasian Beaver to the UK
The CDT and the International Centre for Ecohydraulics Research Group from the University of Southampton have conducted research into the Reintroduction of the European or Eurasian Beaver back into the UK ecosystem. Take a look at our video presented by Dr Andrew Vowles, Dr Toru Tsuzaki and CDT SIS student Daniella Montali-Ashworth describing the impact of the reintroduction.
Travel information the smarter way – Amanda Haylett
Amanda Haylett is one of our EngD students at the University who works in the Transport Research Group in the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment. Amanda recently presented her work and the animation below at the CDT SIS conference 2017.
Amanda’s research: Today’s wide spread use of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) has introduced public transport travel information into all stages of journey planning (at home, at-stop and on-board). Its purpose is to address specific questions that travellers raise which often relate to the travellers familiarity or lack thereof with the local area.
In fact, travel information must address needs that link to unfamiliarity with public transport provision in the local area to be relevant. Coupled with managing erroneous expectations that are produced when a traveller attempts to pre-plan a journey with reduced local awareness. Thus, future research has to focus on what information itself should deliver before considering other ways to introduce travel information into the public transport environment.
Therefore, this research held a usability study of existing journey planners to measure how well familiar and unfamiliar traveller’s travel information needs were met. The results produced specific guidelines that defined the correct flow of travel information to improve information relevancy and interpretability. Enabling future developers of external travel information systems to incorporate all traveller planning types in their design. As well as to open up the debate regarding what travel information in itself should deliver for both the familiar and unfamiliar traveller types.
Professor Paul Kemp keynote speech at the 10th Anniversary Peixe Vivo (Fish for Life) programme annual meeting at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Professor Paul Kemp provided a keynote speech at the 10th Anniversary Peixe Vivo (Fish for Life) programme annual meeting at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, focusing on the topic of dam decommissioning. The research programme is funded by CEMIG, one of Brazil’s largest generator and distributor of hydroelectricity, and the University of Southampton is the only UK partner. The meeting also provided an opportunity for the University of Southampton to create a South American network involving researchers from Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Paraguay and Peru who are focusing on developing research projects through opportunities provided by the Global Challenge Research Fund.
Jasper De Bie giving presentation to Eel symposium in the United States.
Frances Davis from the International Centre for Ecohydraulics Research, University of Southampton discussing tensile strain tests of fish swim bladders in Brazil.
Paul White from the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, giving lecture on fish hearing to hydropower stakeholders & students in Brazil.