The School of Engineering Graduate School hosted a PGR meal and Outreach exhibition on Thursday 7th February 2019 from 11.45am to 2pm in the Hartley Suite and Garden Court at the University of Southampton.
This event included displays of PGR work and Outreach demonstrations from Centres of Doctoral Training programmes in Sustainable Infrastructure Systems, Energy Storage and its Applications and Next Generation Computational Modelling. This was the first time that these cohorts had displayed their research together in an event organised by the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences Graduate School.
Around 80 PGR students attended the event where they were able to engage with the Outreach demonstrations including the Vehicle to Grid display made by ESA that is currently on display at the Winchester Science Centre.
The aim of this event was to encourage PGRs to think about how they could engage with the public with their own work and inspire them with the range of projects that were being demonstrated. Whether the audience is academics, policy makers, funders, Industry partners, school children or the general public the PGRs should consider how they talk about their research clearly and with enthusiasm.
The event included a talk by Lisa Hanley from the Public Engagement with Research unit (PERu) about the current training pilot that the PGRs could sign up to be involved with. A chemistry PGR student told the engineers about the benefits of the course from a student perspective including how to breakdown the PhD project into parts that could be clearly explained to their chosen audience and how to apply for funding to create their own demonstration for the Southampton Science and Engineering Festival.